with PageBuilder
Simple things to help you get started
1. Add
a page

A great first step is to add a page.

Pages are your sites public facing web pages.

To add a page click on the Pages button and then click Create Page

a page
2. Adding
Building blocks

PageBuilder's building blocks are the literal building blocks of your site.

A Page is made up of these building blocks. Add one by clicking on one.

Each one usually takes up one vertical block of space.

Building blocks
3. Edit
The Building Block

On each building block there is a round edit icon, click it to edit that sections options.

Each one has its own settings and fields. When you edit you will see the changes appear live above.

The Building Block
4. Edit
The Page

You can easily, rearrange, add or delete each sections blocks.

Once happy hit save at the bottom every-time you make a change.

Those changes will be made live once saved.

The Page
5. Add
Your page to the navigation

Once you have a page you are happy with add it to your sites navigation or link to it from a button.

Your page to the navigation
1. Edit
Your Theme Settings

Theme settings simply change the way your site looks.

These options can be found under the tab settings / theming.

Your Theme Settings
2. Add
Your Logo

Adding your logo to your header is a great first step.

Your Logo